Saturday 30 May 2015

The value of reviews - good or bad

Writers can often be plagued by self-doubt; this one certainly is!  During the creative process idea's that pop into your head can get you really excited about your work and create something of a mini adrenaline rush; you can't wait to get this latest little gem down on paper! (or laptop!)  Then, of course you sit back and admire this literary masterpiece and after a while the shine seems to where off - maybe it wasn't that brilliant after all?  Perhaps it was pretty poor?  No, actually it was downright rubbish!  How could we even think about putting this in the story?  No, it's got to go!
So, it's hard sometimes not to follow that by hitting the delete button, instead of remembering that you have just re-read it for the umpteenth time and therefore it's obviously not going to have the same effect on you.  It's like re-reading your favourite book; I can't remember how many times I've read Pride and Prejudice and although I still love to read it, it will never have quite the same magic as the first time - there's still magic  it's just a different kind of magic - like settling down for an evening with an old, familiar friend!
However when someone else reads your work their comments are invaluable; you're getting that 'first impressions' effect again and when they get that same feeling you had when you wrote it you finally know that you were right to stay away from the delete button!  I love it when readers understand the characters the way you were kind of hoping they would, or when they comment on a particular setting or scene; you know exactly what you're trying to convey and so it's great to know that someone else is 'seeing' it too.  Of course constructive criticism is just as good - knowing what the reader doesn't like is just as important as knowing what they did.
I suppose what I'm trying to say here is the next time you read a book, especially if it's not the latest blockbusting best seller, spare a thought for the one who put their heart and soul into creating it and let them know what you think!

Happy reading!


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