Wednesday 13 May 2015

Arthur's Sword : Published!

So, finally The Chronicles of Prudence the Foundling Fairy Vol. 2 is now published and available to purchase from Amazon on kindle or in paperback.  It has taken a little longer than the 'week or so' that I promised in my last post, but as my daughter (and i.t. adviser!) is currently pregnant with Grandbaby no. 2 I have done all the formatting and editing myself as I think she has enough on her plate right now!
As I said before I am really pleased with the story and the way it is progressing.  I did intend to take a break and concentrate on my other project (a ghost mystery) once vol. 2 was finished, but I can already feel Prudence pulling me back into her world - especially as I did leave her and her friends in something of a precarious situation at the end of this book! Nevertheless I'm exhausted - this year has been pretty eventful - and I do feel I need time to re-charge the creative batteries a little so a short respite may be in order.
Of course I do also need to concentrate on that necessary evil when self-publishing; marketing.  Promoting the new title, as well as volume 1  is something that I have been neglecting of late so I suppose that must take priority now.  As you've probably gathered this is the part of the whole process that I really don't enjoy, so I'm just going to say; it's out there -


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