Sunday 4 January 2015

Reflections and Resolutions

This is not the most original of subjects for this time of year I know, but like everyone I am feeling a little reflective. 2014 was definitely something of a memorable year for me; getting my work into print was a dream come true and I still can't believe I can actually call myself a published author now! I have had such a lot of support from friends and family and I really want to thank everyone for that especially all those who bought the book and have been so positive about it. It's a great motivation to know that others are actually getting some enjoyment out of what you are doing.  A special mention has to go out to my daughter, Kay who has helped me so much with all the technical stuff.  I really couldn't have done this without her.
 I didn't really make much use of the time I've had off for Christmas - which wasn't a lot I have to say - but Christmas is for relaxing with the family, having fun and eating chocolate which I certainly managed to achieve!

So, resolutions.............

Well this is easy; I need to be a little more organised with my writing, both the stories and this blog.  I know, I couldn't be much worse surely - at least where the blog is concerned!  I am going to attempt to stick to deadlines a little more.  I did ask Santa for a few more hours in the day or days in the week, but he wasn't very forthcoming so I'm going to have to make do with what I've got! Oh yes, and a little less chocolate from now on!

For the first half of the year I have two projects on the go, the second volume of 'The Chronicles of Prudence' and 'The Legacy of Vengeance' a sort of romantic ghost mystery aimed at a bit of an older audience.  I am setting myself the goal of having them both finished by April.  'The Chronicles of Prudence' shouldn't be a problem as that is in the final stages of writing and the ghost story is one that I have had kicking around now for a long time so it's just a case of reworking and updating. I will be doing a separate post shortly all about 'The Legacy of Vengeance' and what to expect from this story.

So, that's it - I'm really excited about the coming year and I hope you'll stay with me through all that 2015 has to hold.


1 comment:

  1. Well done mother! Very proud!! Cant believe you posted this all on your todd! go you! xxx
