Sunday 7 December 2014

A little thing called Christmas

Here I am on day four of my break and whilst it has been a busy few days I have done very little writing - a little thing called Christmas kind of got in the way!  I have been busy Christmas shopping and putting up the tree and just generally getting in the festive mood!  I have to say this is most unlike me and Christmas is usually a bit of a last minute panic, so my logic is that whilst everyone else is running around doing last minute shopping I will be able to sit back, relax and crack on with some writing.  I had hoped to really eat into the remaining 25,000 words or so of 'Arthur's Sword', but so far have managed about 250!

I know, I'm so undisciplined when it comes to my writing!  As I've said before I think that's what I like about self-publishing - you don't have to stick to other people's deadlines, although I know when I'm back at work tomorrow I'll be wishing I was at home writing!  Still, this time of year is so much fun - especially when you have a two  year old granddaughter to share the fun with!  As far as 'Arthur's Sword' is concerned I have revised my target date for publishing (again) to early in the new year - and I really, really am going to try and stick to that!


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