Sunday 7 September 2014

Getting Started

I have been meaning to set up this blog ever since my first book, The Gatekeeper was published in April this year.  As this is my first published work I thought it would be interesting to record my journey with all its ups and downs, perils and pitfalls along the way.
I have gone down the self-publishing route with Amazon as I had heard from several different sources just how easy this is and I have to say that so far I have been very impressed.  However being the complete techno-virgin that I am I couldn't have done it without some help! My daughter guided me through the whole process with some exasperation and 'head-in-hands' moments over my lack of technical skills - ("so how do you cut and paste?") - but finally I got there! And look at me now I'm even blogging!  (Yes, she set this up for me too!)
The Gatekeeper is the first volume in a trilogy; The Chronicles of Prudence the Foundling Fairy which you can purchase from Amazon HERE. Volume two; Arthur's Sword is my current 'work in progress' along with two other stories aimed at an older reader, 'The Legacy of Vengeance' and 'What it Takes' both are ghost stories.
I hope you will join me on my journey.  Let me know your thoughts on self-publishing, is it a useful tool for budding authors or just a way to flood the market?


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