Wednesday 12 July 2017

Getting organised

Today I made a little addition to my writing area; a cork board.  This is all part of my effort to be a little more organised and get myself focused on my new project.  As I have said before after five years working on the Prudence trilogy and living in her world it has been hard to let go; to stop thinking about what her next adventure will be, how it will affect her and her relationships with those around her - she was constantly in my thoughts! She does still invade my thoughts and I'm not totally ruling out the possibility of returning to Ealdhun, but it's just not for now.  Now I feel I need to give myself a break and try something fresh.
My little break in Cumbria helped immensely, and I certainly returned home feeling refreshed and with a very basic idea for my next project.  So, in order to consolidate my idea's I have got myself a cork board and a whole wad of post-it notes. At the moment it's looking very neat and tidy, but that's probably because I'm still in the early planning stages, looking at character bio's and outlining the first couple of chapters, I'm sure it'll soon look like a confused jumble that only I can understand, but that's okay - so long as I can understand it!
I also have a notebook that I carried around with me everywhere whilst I was on holiday so that I could make notes as and when the ideas came and I intend to keep it with me so that I can drift off into 'Kim world' wherever and whenever the opportunity presents!
I still have another week to go before I have to get back to the drudgery of the day job, but hopefully I will have made a good inroad on the groundwork by then.  I'm not making any predictions about when this is likely to be finished as we all know how rubbish I am with deadlines and targets, but I will update my progress as I go.

And, in case you were wondering I still haven't sorted out the website, but I really am going to get on to that..... soon.


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