Sunday 2 July 2017

Cumbria: My little piece of heaven on earth

So, as the final volume of the Prudence trilogy is now completed and published I am now enjoying a well earned holiday!
It was quite stressful getting the last volume finished and making sure I was completely happy with the way I was leaving Prudence.  It has also been a bit of a wrench leaving her behind.  I have been working on this series for the past five years; for five years she has been a part of my life, as I constantly planned and plotted her story.  She accompanied me everywhere I went and was never far from my thoughts - so how do I let go?

Okay, I'll admit it, I'm quite mercenary and am really quite keen to start working on the next project!  The only problem is what exactly is the next project?  It's not that I don't have any ideas, in fact it's just the opposite - I have too many!  The problem is deciding on which one to actually focus on.

And, that is why I am here in beautiful Cumbria.  This is my little piece of heaven on earth.  If you've ever been here you'll understand exactly what I mean.  This is where I have come to be inspired and to find my focus and to be quite honest if I can't find it here, I'll never find it!
So if you follow me on facebook (link)/or twitter (link)  expect lots of pictures over the next few days of lakes, mountains and of course, because it's me, trees!

So after an early morning hike up on the fells, I'm now off out for a more relaxed evening stroll by the lake.  See you soon!


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