Monday 6 March 2017

When Life gives you Lemons.................

This post is really just to say, Hey, I'm still here.  I haven't posted anything for six months for many reasons,  and I now feel that perhaps a little explanation is in order.
 About the middle of November last year I was hit by what I can only describe as a writing lethargy, a total inability to find any inspiration or motivation to write.
I have no idea what caused this.  All I know is that it was a real struggle, my little comfort zone, my escape from the 'real world' had deserted me and I suddenly felt a little bit lost, adrift.  I did all the things I would normally do when facing writer's block - going for walks, listening to music or just simply accepting that I needed to step back and focus on something else for a few days.  Nothing worked.
Christmas came as a little distraction although even that seemed to have lost a little of its shine this year and in the New Year I was determined to kick start my motivation by giving myself a 'to do' list.
The foremost thing that I have been wanting to do is set myself up with a website.  This is something I am constantly being advised to do and has been an issue for a while.  I also had various idea's for new promotions for the books and of course I needed to get my backside into gear and get the 'Prudence' trilogy finished.  So far I have achieved none of this.
As usual whilst I was making all these plans fate was stood at my shoulder having a little chuckle and saying, 'not on my watch'.  I won't go into detail but suffice to say that my family had something of a health scare at the beginning of the year that knocked us all a bit for six.  We have spent the last three months struggling up a mountain of anxiety and worry, but I am pleased to say that we have reached the top and are now happily free-wheeling down a hill of relief.  (I just hope there are no potholes).
There is a saying that goes, 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade', but to be quite honest sometimes all you really want to do is slice those lemons in half and squirt lemon juice right back into the eye of fate. I know I certainly did.
But, enough with the negativity.  I am slowly starting to feel more positive and am once again feeling motivated, inspired and even excited about my writing again.  I have dusted off the 'to do' list, I have a holiday booked in July to the most beautiful corner of the world - Cumbria and I am surrounded by the best family anyone could wish for.
Life is good.

See you soon


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