Tuesday 12 July 2016

Walks of inspiration 1 : Southwold


I have often spoken on here of how I find going for a walk a wonderful source of inspiration so I thought I would share a few of those walks. I am going to start with one of my favourite local places to visit, Southwold.  If you have never been to this lovely little town then it is definitely worth
putting on your list of 'places to see'.  It is situated on the Suffolk coast and for me it is only about an hours drive away from home.  I love it here!  It is a quintessentially English seaside town that has not lost it's charm to the brassy commercialism that has taken over so many other coastal towns.
The lighthouse, the beach huts and the pier are probably the most photographed and recognisable parts of the town and there are a range of lovely little shops, art galleries and places to eat.
However, if you are looking for a nice quiet walk to get the creative juices flowing then there are plenty around the town.  The beach, of course is a great place for this.  Who can not be inspired by the ocean?  Or, you can head out of the town, which is what I did on this particular walk, towards the harbour and enjoyed a walk along the river.

It was quite a grey day, but warm and, after all the rain we have been having lately it stayed dry, if a little damp under foot in places!  Also, because of the lovely typically English, wet summer that we have had some of the paths were a little over grown and I ended up with soggy trousers - although I was wearing the right foot wear so feet stayed dry!

The Clockhouse is my favourite place to end a walk in Southwold; it's a little coffee shop on the pier and this is where I like to sit, by the window with a coffee (and maybe a piece of cake!) and a notepad and bring together all the ideas that have popped into my head during my walk.  This is where I sat and mapped out the second volume of the Prudence trilogy and now I have done the same for the third volume.  I hope they never close this place down!

So if you are ever out this way pay a little visit to Southwold and let it work it's magic on you!

Keep inspired,


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