Wednesday 11 February 2015

A & E, Mickey Mouse and a new kitchen!

Despite my resolutions for the new year I have been a little slack again with the old blog posts - however I really do have genuine, proper excuses this time!  First of all I haven't been too well (going for the sympathy vote here). I've been having a few problems with low blood pressure which resulted in a dramatic - and embarrassing - dash to A & E from work.  Happy to say that after a quick m.o.t the issue has been resolved and everything seems to be back to normal again now although it did leave me a little lacking in energy for a while.

We have also been planning a little family trip to EuroDisney with my Granddaughter.  We were originally planning to go at Easter, but trying to get everybody together has proved to be a bit more difficult than we had first thought and so we are now going next weekend as this was the only time we could all get the time off work together!  Now, as my passport had expired I had to sacrifice a precious day off to go to Peterborough to get that sorted.  Would just like to say on that note that this process was a lot simpler than I thought it would be!

Finally, the new kitchen; this has been taking up a bit of time as I'm sure you can imagine although it has infected me with the 'let's decorate' bug!  And, in fairness the whole house is in need of a little TLC.

On the plus side, despite all that has been going on I am making good progress with the two projects I have on the go at the moment.  I only have a couple more chapters to do of the second volume of the Prudence series so that should be ready for editing very shortly.

I would also just like to share with you this picture, drawn by the amazingly talented Lucy Daine.  This is a picture she has done of Prince Rupert, one of the characters from the Prudence series of books.  She is also helping me with the design for the cover of the new book.

If you would like to see more of Lucy's artwork check out her facebook page Serendipity Art here


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