Sunday 26 October 2014

Writing Fast

Hello everyone, I know I've been a bit slack with my posts but I hope this one will explain why!
First of all this is not about speed writing it's to do with fasting as in abstaining from writing for a while.  In my 'day' job, as I think I may have mentioned before, I work as a contact lens advisor for Specsavers in my local town.  This involves, as the title suggests advising people about their contact lens options and also teaching them how to put the lenses in and out.  Now, as anyone who has tried contacts will know getting them in and out is not quite as easy as it sounds particularly when you're a beginner.  It can be very frustrating and one of the things I always say to patients is if you find you're getting frustrated just go away and do something else for 10 or 15 minutes and then go back and have another go.  It's like everything, if you get frustrated whilst trying to do something you usually end up either not being able to do it at all or making a bad job of it.
So, when I recently got to a part of 'Arthur's Sword',(the project I'm working on at the moment with my writing) that I was really struggling with and finding it difficult to go forward I decided to practice what I preach and take a break from writing.  It was only for four or five days, but in that time I didn't look at it or think about it at all.  I didn't do any promotion for 'The gatekeeper' (the first book in the series) as this just made me frustrated again that I wasn't writing, I took a complete break.

And, I am happy to say that now as I face four days off work I am revived and ready to go again! I have already resolved the problem that was holding me back before and I'm raring to go again with the promotion for 'The Gatekeeper' too - so be prepared for lots of Facebook posts and tweets!


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