Monday 18 January 2016

No resolutions for 2016

This time last year I wrote a post called reflections and resolutions about my plans for 2015.  I have just read it back to see how I held up to all my grand aspirations.  Mostly, I have to say, I didn't do too badly.  My main aim was to get the second volume of the Prudence books published and also to publish one of the ghost stories I had on the back burners from ages ago.  I succeeded in both of these although I did go for a different ghost story to the one I had originally intended.  (I must add though that on the 'eat less chocolate' thing I failed miserably!)

So if last years resolutions turned out okay, why the reticence on making any for this year?  To put things in perspective I think 2015 was the first year I have set my resolutions and actually stuck to them.  I usually find that whilst I am busy making bold ambitious plans to get fit, loose weight, publish my first book, Fate is usually standing right behind me, laughing and saying, "Yeh, that's what you think!"  You find yourself by the end of January back in your usual routine wondering how that happened whilst Fate just stands there chuckling
 It was challenging trying to get two books finished and published in one year and I don't think it is something that will happen again in a hurry.  Whilst I enjoyed the challenge (despite the stress, the moments of frustration and the many, many "Why am I bothering?" lows) 2016 is definitely going to be a more laid back year for me.  I am a bit of a selfish writer; I write primarily for me, because I enjoy it, and that's what I want to get back to.  It is all well and good setting yourself goals, but if those goals are just too unrealistic, no amount of optimism or self belief will combat the feeling of failure when all your ambitious plans crumble around you.  Yes, I know I'm sounding very depressing, but that's the way resolutions often work; it all sounds great at the time, but so many unexpected things can get in the way of your plans and frustration is not a good working partner.

So, 2016 I have no idea what you have in store for me, we'll just have to wait and see.  That is not to say I don't have my hopes and plans for the year, it is more that I'm not going to stress over what I should be doing rather than what I want to do.  Hmmm does that sound like a kind of resolution?  Oh dear!

 Good luck to everyone who has made resolutions for the year; I hope they work out for you whatever they may be.  And good luck to me in my efforts to be more chilled!
