Hello everyone - it's nice to be back! I know it's been a long time since I published a post but I was absolutely determined that my next post was going to be 'Yay, it's finished!' So here we are at last; The Chronicles of Prudence volume two, Arthur's Sword is finally finished! It's only taken me a year - a tiny bit longer than I had hoped, but when you're holding down a full time job sticking to any kind of schedule for writing is proving to be difficult. I am pleased with the way the story has gone and the development of the characters, particularly Prudence and Rupert - I've had a lot of fun with those two! It's also been great to be able to weave in a little more of the Arthurian legend into the story and as well as dragons, magical swords and a dark wizard, the Lady of the Lake also makes an appearance in this volume.
I am now in the process of editing which some writers seem to find tedious, but I quite enjoy. It's nice to be able to go back and just 'fine tune' a few things and make sure you're completely happy with everything. The hard part with editing is knowing when to stop; it's so easy to just keep 'tweaking' and thinking that there's always some little way you can improve things when most of the time the improvements are just not necessary.
Publishing should follow in a week or so and then I am going to take a little break (well the decorating still needs finishing!) before tackling volume three, and getting my other project 'The Legacy of Vengeance' finished.
Thanks for reading - and staying with me